Eco-conscious Competition Returns to Campus

Tulane is participating in RecycleMania, a national college and university recycling competition, from Jan. 17 through March 27. For 10 weeks, the trash and recyclables collected by the university each week will be measured and weighed against schools nationwide.


Two Tulane students bring their collection of items for recycling to the weigh-in during last spring's RecycleMania event. (Photo from the Office of Environmental Affairs)

"This directly relates to Tulane's overall push to be an environmental lighthouse in New Orleans," says David Gray, student recycling coordinator for the Office of Environmental Affairs.

To encourage students, an on-campus team recycling competition will run from Jan. 29 to March 20. Students collecting recyclables can bring them to Friday weigh-ins.

Last year, students collected 1,700 pounds of recyclable material.

"This is a way to get students, as well as the general Tulane community, involved and excited about being a part of this movement," says Gray.

The movement has an educational component as well. Participants will use chalk to write short, "eco-friendly facts" on sidewalks around campus, says Gray. Students also will distribute informational pamphlets that outline ways to reduce waste.

Teams of students ranging from under eight people to more than 25 can participate in the competition. Groups can register by e-mailing with a team name, individuals' names and e-mail addresses. Prizes include tickets to the Audubon Zoo and a free day of laser tag at Adventure Quest. The winning group of 25 people or more will be rewarded with a party at Rock 'n' Bowl.

Brandon Meginley is a senior majoring in journalism at Tulane.