Jesse M. Keenan
Associate Professor

Areas of Expertise
Jesse M. Keenan is an Associate Professor of Real Estate at Tulane School of Architecture. Keenan’s teaching and research advances the interdisciplinary fields of sustainable real estate and infrastructure finance and development.
As a globally recognized thought leader, Keenan’s research focuses on the intersection of climate change adaptation and the built environment, including aspects of design, engineering, regulation, planning and financing. Keenan has previously advised on matters concerning the built environment for agencies of the U.S. government, governors, mayors, Fortune 500 companies, technology ventures, community enterprises and international NGOs.
Keenan formerly served as the Area Head for Real Estate and Built Environment on the faculty of the Harvard Graduate School of Design; Fellow of Science, Technology and Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government; Research Director of the Center for Urban Real Estate on the faculty of the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University; and Visiting Scholar at the Perry World House at the University of Pennsylvania. Keenan currently serves as an Honorary Research Associate at Oxford University.
Keenan has been cited as an authority by national and international media, including on-air on ABC News, Bloomberg TV, CBS News, CCTV (China), CNBC, CNN, Discovery Channel, DW-TV (Germany), Financial Times (U.K.), France 2 (France), KBS (Korea), NBC News, MSNBC, PBS, Reuters TV, The Weather Channel, TVO (Canada), and Univision.
Keenan’s research has been widely covered in the global media, including The New York Times, The New York Times Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, The New Yorker, Time Magazine, CNN, Rolling Stone, Bloomberg News, Popular Science, MIT Technology Review, MSNBC, Businessweek, Fortune, BBC, Reuters, Associated Press, The Atlantic, The Guardian, The Telegraph, Financial Times, Vice News, NPR, Slate, The American Prospect, The Weather Channel, Washington Post, Fox News, NBC News, ABC News, Huffington Post, Salon, Grist, Dezeen, Mother Jones, Fast Company, Wired, PBS NOVA, Sierra Magazine, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Houston Chronicle, Miami Herald, Scientific American and the Discovery Network.