3-D mammograms now available at Tulane Medical Center

Women who have mammograms at Tulane Medical Center now have the latest diagnostic technology available to them, digital 3-D mammography, also known as digital breast tomosynthesis. TMC is the first healthcare provider in the Gulf South Region to feature the state-of-the-art Selenia Dimensions digital breast tomosynthesis system from Hologic.


Tulane Medical Center is now offering digital 3-D mammography, a new development in breast cancer screening. (Photo from Tulane Medical Center)

Digital breast tomosynthesis converts digital mammographic images into a stack of very thin layers, building what is essentially a 3-dimensional mammogram.

“Breast cancer screening with tomosynthesis is the newest and most exciting development in breast cancer screening for the general public,” says Dr. Cynthia Hanemann, associate clinical professor in radiology and section chief of mammography at the Tulane University School of Medicine. “It allows me as a radiologist to examine breast tissue a millimeter at time, unlike a flat image produced by typical 2-dimensional mammography.”

The 3-D mammograms can be used for annual screening or as a diagnostic tool to further investigate areas of concern found in a 2-dimensional mammogram.

“2-D images of overlapping breast tissue produced from conventional mammograms can sometimes give the illusion of an abnormal area and require women to return for more diagnostic testing,” says Hanemann. “With 3-D breast imaging, the thinner slices mean there are fewer false positives, and fewer women will have to face the stress and anxiety of diagnostic testing to find out that everything is normal.”

In addition to offering superior mammography technology, TMC offers online scheduling for self-referred annual mammogram screenings. Patients can choose between a standard digital and a 3-D mammogram for their yearly screening by visiting TulaneHealthcare.com and clicking the “pre-register” button.

Sarah Balyeat is communications coordinator at Tulane Medical Center.