The big day

For the first time in four decades, tailgating will bloom on the Tulane University uptown campus on Saturday, Sept. 6, before the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets vs. Green Wave football game at Yulman Stadium. (Photo by Paula Burch-Celentano
Game day has finally arrived. On Saturday (Sept. 6), Tulane University will hold its first football game on campus in 39 years when it hosts the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets at Yulman Stadium.
Along with fans gathering for the sold-out 3 p.m. CT game, the New Orleans Police Department and Tulane University Police Department will be dispersed throughout campus to make sure everyone stays safe. Admiral Security will patrol the tailgating area, which opens at 11 a.m., along with the New Orleans Fire Department. Tulane Emergency Medical Services and Acadian Ambulances will be on hand.
The tailgating area, which opens at 11 a.m., will be patrolled by Admiral Security, along with the New Orleans Police Department and Tulane University Police Department, to make sure everyone stays safe.
The NOPD will direct traffic around the campus, as well as manage the drop-off points for taxis and buses on Claiborne Avenue just north of the stadium.
“The bus and shuttle loading zone will be on Claiborne between Ben Weiner and the entrance to the Rosen Lot on the Tulane side of Claiborne,” says John Lange, game day manager for Tulane University. “On the opposite side of the street, the city will zone that for charter bus drop-offs. The taxi cue will be the block behind the shuttle loading zone on the eastbound side of Claiborne. We"ll have some 50 officers from Claiborne and Carrollton all the way up to Jefferson and Claiborne in place at a minimum of three hours prior to kickoff.”
The Department of Public Works Traffic Division will patrol the neighborhood, ticketing and towing parking violators. Fans will be able to park on campus or in one of eight lots within walking distance or a shuttle ride to Yulman Stadium.
SMG, which runs games in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome and other stadiums throughout the country, will manage game day in the stadium.
Once the game begins, Lange and his crew will begin making preparations to return the campus to normal by noon Sunday.
A full lineup of events is available here.
The online fan guide is here.
Curtis Akey is an assistant athletics communication director in the Green Wave Athletics Office.