Club members share passion for horseback riding

Tulane Equestrian Club

Tulane Equestrian Club members show off their ribbons won in horseback competitions where they compete as a team. (Photo from the Tulane Equestrian Club)

First-year student Sarah Brown joined the Tulane University Equestrian Club three months ago and never looked back. Since then, she has traveled twice a week to Equest Farm in New Orleans City Park to pursue her passion for horseback riding with fellow club members.

“It"s a place where everyone, no matter your ability, can ride,” says Tulane Equestrian Club president and senior Corrine Lane. Students who join the club can then audition for the competition team to participate in shows around the country through the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association.

“This is different from the typical horse show,” Lane says. In most competitions, individuals train with a single horse and use that animal in all events. The IHSA, however, is a team competition in which horses are assigned at random.

Brown says, “With each horse, you"re presented with a different challenge.”

Participants are required to walk, trot, canter, jump or demonstrate a combination of these skills depending on the level of experience. Club members prepare by riding a different horse, belonging to the Orleans Parish Sheriff"s Office, with each lesson.

“It"s difficult both physically and mentally,” Lane says, noting that most members devote an average of six hours per week to practice.

The financial commitment, while significant, is substantially less than horseback riding elsewhere.

“Overall, it"s therapeutic just to get out and see the horses,” Brown says. “It"s a huge stress reliever for me. I stop thinking about the day, and I just ride.” Club dinners have helped her become close to teammates outside of the stables, and the experience has smoothed her transition to college life.

Last week, the Tulane equestrians traveled to Austin, Texas, for the season"s first competition.

“We had a great first show of the season,” reports Lane. The second day of the competition, Tulane was the high point team. “This show makes us so excited for the season to continue.”

Jamie Logan is a junior majoring in English and classical studies with a minor in psychology at Tulane University.