
A blooming good time is on the uptown campus.

A short walk across the Tulane University uptown campus provides a sweet reminder that it"s springtime in New Orleans. Look for five varieties of Louisiana irises along McAlister Place: purple (pictured), blue, white, rust and yellow. More flowers ahead …

A blooming good time is on the uptown campus.

This periwinkle floret is one of hundreds spread out under the oak tree in front of Flower Hall, a great place to catch some shade on a sunny day.

A blooming good time is on the uptown campus.

A lantana bush filled with blooms and buds is near the fountain between Boggs Hall and Stern Hall. Commonly know as ham and eggs, butterflies dig it.

A blooming good time is on the uptown campus.

A Chinese fringe tree is hard to miss along McAlister Place, next to Irby House. Just look for the large tree with billowing white flowers.

A blooming good time is on the uptown campus.

Also outside Irby House is your average mahonia bealei. It"s also known as Oregon grape, but don"t get any ideas … it isn"t edible!