Dog day

Mark Martin bites into a hot dog with all the works during a fundraiser for injured Tulane University football player Devon Walker. Martin, a relative of Walker, who suffered a severe spinal cord injury last year, joined family members, Green Wave fans and Walker supporters across the area at Dat Dog on Monday afternoon (Aug. 26). The eatery donated 10 percent of its sales over a six-hour period. A featured item on the menu is the "Devon Dog" (which Martin is eating). It was conceived by Walker and consists of a beef hotdog, chili, onions, bacon and cheese.

Chad Jenkins, left, and Kwahn Drake discuss this year's Green Wave football team with Walker. Jenkins is a graduate assistant linebacker/special teams coach and Drake is a graduate assistant defensive line coach.

Local musician Lani Ramos talks to Walker after giving him a CD of her music. Ramos, who also made a donation to the Devon Walker Fund, said she heard about Walker's story on TV news. "We need to remember how to help each other," she said. "If we do that more often we'll be a lot better off."

Tulane alumnus Tom Rey introduces his daughter, Gabrielle, to Walker. Rey is wearing a T-shirt that was created last year to raise money for the Devon Walker Fund.