DRAFT For employees

Tulane Today aggregates hurricane-related content for members of the Tulane community. The following links include information from our partners at the offices of the President, the Provost, the Chief Operating Officer, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Campus Services, Student Affairs, and Human Resources and Institutional Equity. They do not reflect information relevant to individual departments or individual employee roles during campus emergencies. Tulane employees should communicate with their department supervisor for specific information.

Hurricane season is in effect June 1 – Nov. 30. Tulane Today aggregates hurricane-related content from verified emergency-planning partners for members of the Tulane community. The following links include information from our partners at the offices of the President, the Provost, the Chief Operating Officer, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Campus Services, Student Affairs, and Human Resources and Institutional Equity. They do not reflect information relevant to individual departments or individual employee roles during campus emergencies. Tulane employees should communicate with their department supervisor for specific information.

Tulane Office of Emergency Preparedness and Response
Updated information on Tulane University operations
NOLA Ready / the City of New Orleans

Emergency closure information from the Office of Human Resources and Institutional Equity
Preparing your work area
Information for School of Medicine researchers

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