Film festival to highlight student work

Commencement 2014

Drew Henry is one of nine Tulane University seniors who will debut a short film during the fifth annual Digital Media Production Student Film Festival on Thursday (May 15).

Prep Class Poster
Henry, a senior majoring in communications and digital media production with a minor in business, says that before he can think about Saturday"s Tulane University Commencement ceremony, he is preparing to face the truthful reactions about his film from a public audience.

“I"m nervous, but this is a great opportunity so I"m excited at the same time,” says Henry, whose 25-minute film Prep Class will show at 8 p.m.

“We all worked really hard on our films for the past year and now we get to share the final product.”

Students enrolled in the digital media production program create their short films during a two-part capstone course on advanced filmmaking.

During the fall semester, students work on their film"s preproduction, which includes writing a script, finding actors and creating a budget. In the spring, students complete the filming and editing process.

"Since film is an art that is created for the express purpose of being viewed by an audience, it is important that students have the experience of sitting in attendance while others react to their work," says Mary Blue, director of the digital media program.

In Prep Class, Henry introduces a group of four privileged teenagers who attend private school. The posh lives of the self-obsessed group known for “popularity, money and selfies” is interrupted when a friend dies of a drug overdose at one of many wild parties they attend.

“I read an article about millennials where they were called the most self-indulgent of all the generations,” says Henry. “I wanted to show a different side of them in my film.”

The film festival will be held in room 1111 of Goldring/Woldenberg Hall II on the Tulane uptown campus. The first film will be shown at 5 p.m., with a new film beginning every half hour. The last film begins at 9 p.m. and will be followed by a reception at 9:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.