Four professors receive Tulane 2022 teaching awards
During Commencement 2022, four Tulane University faculty received university-wide teaching awards – two Weiss Presidential Fellowships for Undergraduate Teaching and two President’s Awards for Excellence in Graduate and Professional Teaching.
The 2022 Weiss Fellows are Michelle Foa, associate professor of art history in the Newcomb Art Department in the School of Liberal Arts and a Carnegie Professor at the Phyllis M. Taylor Center for Social Innovation and Design Thinking, and Tiffany Lin, associate professor of architecture and design program director at the School of Architecture.
The recipients of 2022 President’s Awards for Excellence in Graduate and Professional Teaching are Alessandra Bazzano, associate professor at the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Carnegie Corporation of New York Professor of Social Entrepreneurship at the Phyllis M. Taylor Center for Social Innovation and Design Thinking, and director of the Tulane Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health, and Guadalupe García, associate professor in the Department of History at the School of Liberal Arts.