Gallery Features Works by Contemporary Photographers

"Muse: An Exhibition of Women in Contemporary Photography" opens on Thursday (Jan. 14) at the Carroll Gallery on the uptown campus.


Included in the "Muse" exhibit is Pinwheel (detail from Stars), 2006, by Dana Hoey. (Courtesy of the artist and Friedrich Petzel Gallery)

The exhibit, curated by visiting photography professor Stephen Hilger, features works by photographers Tanyth Berkeley, Eve Fowler, Katy Grannan, and Dana Hoey. It will be on exhibit in room 200 of the Woldenberg Art Center through Feb. 12.

The exhibited projects demonstrate the collaborative relationship between the artist and her subject, Hilger said. The photographs employ alternative approaches to the representation of women, he added, resulting in images that force the viewer to question how the female form has been objectified by artists and popular culture.

All four artists will visit Tulane University to participate in a symposium on the aesthetics and politics of gender representation on Jan. 21 from 6:30–8 p.m. in the Freeman Auditorium, Woldenberg Art Center. A reception for the artists will follow in the Carroll Gallery.

"Muse" is made possible by support from the Newcomb Art Department, the Newcomb College Institute, the Deep South Regional Humanities Center, the bequest of Frances M. Stolar, the Sandra Garrard Memorial Fund, the Graduate Studies Student Association, the Tulane-Newcomb Art Student Association and the Newcomb College Center for Research on Women. Admission to the gallery is free of charge. For additional information, call 504-314-2228.