Growth and connections are focus of Professional Development Days

Providing faculty and staff with learning opportunities for continued career growth and achievement, while fostering connections with colleagues, are the goals of the fourth annual Professional Development Days scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 28 and Friday, Sept 29. 

The two-day virtual event is hosted by the Office of Human Resources and Institutional Equity in collaboration with national partners and thought leaders. Both days will highlight professional development opportunities within Tulane and raise awareness of the tools available to support employee success. Among the days’ many features are a resource fair, workshops on digital literacy and web optimization and a special focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Faculty and staff may join for any number of sessions or participate in the full slate of programs which include more than 30 speakers and two dozen interactive sessions designed to provide new insights around topics as varied as the fundamentals of leadership and using AI. Sessions will explore strategies for effective communication, building budget narratives and much more. There will also be two dedicated speed networking sessions through which participants can connect with colleagues around the university to foster collaborative initiatives, share insights and strengthen interdisciplinary relationships. To view the full schedule and to register visit:

“Tulane has never been stronger, and all of our achievements are due to the efforts of our dedicated and talented staff and faculty. Professional Development Days are a chance to laser focus on helping them support their career ambitions, embrace growth mindset and continue to move Tulane forward. It is also a time to once again recognize and honor the central role faculty and staff play in making Tulane the force for good it is,” said Patrick Norton, Tulane’s senior vice president, chief operating officer and treasurer.

Both days will be composed of four main elements:

  1. Twenty-eight sessions within seven distinct tracks to develop skills and knowledge.
  2. Networking opportunities with colleagues across the university.
  3. A virtual resource fair with information on university initiatives, programs, products and services.
  4. Interactive activities, including discussion boards, Q&As and surprise giveaways.

Questions? Please contact Karen D’Arcy at