The Insider: Readers submit dorm photos

We asked students last week to send in photos showing their dorm-room style. Here are a few of the submissions we received.

Corinne McWilliams

"The bright colors and positive vibe brighten my day even when it's dreary and rainy outside." — Corinne McWilliams, sophomore, Mayer Hall.

Adam Friedman

"This was taken when I was a freshman back in November of 1982. I was most proud of my Led Zeppelin black-light poster. The photo also documents the one and only time I ever had a beard." — Adam Friedman (BSM '86), pictured in Sharp Hall.

Rachel Bondy

"I found photos on Tumblr that I really liked and had them printed at Kinko's. I love the way my washing-pin garland looks on the wall." — Rachel Bondy, freshman, Josephine Louise Hall.

Rachel Bondy

...and a closeup of Rachel's creative garland!

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