Learn About Healthy Eating

Tulane employees can get tips on healthy eating for the new year at a seminar on "Making Healthy Food Choices" at 11 a.m. on Wednesday (Jan. 13) on the uptown campus.

The hour-long, free seminar, sponsored by the Workforce Management Organization and TUWellness, will be held in Stibbs Room 203 in the Lavin-Bernick Center.

Kristen Hooper, a clinical social worker at the Maple Street Center for Counseling and Psychotherapy, will present a non-diet approach to making healthier food choices. She will help attendees identify patterns of eating, take a food inventory of their environment, focus on important foods rather than deprivation, identify personal eating behaviors and determine a recipe for good nutrition.

The seminar is open to all employees but reservations are strongly encouraged. A session will be held at the downtown health sciences campus on Jan. 20 at 11 a.m. in room 105 at 1440 Canal St.