Photos: Colors in beads and fabric
As part of the citywide Prospect 2 art exhibition, the Newcomb Art Gallery at the Woldenberg Art Center exhibits the colorful work of Nick Cave and Joyce Scott through Jan. 29.
Scott is one of the preeminent artists in the U.S. working with both beads and glass. Her provocative sculptural forms address socio-political issues at the intersection of race, class and gender. Cave, director of the graduate fashion program at the Art Institute of Chicago, is an American fabric sculptor, dancer, and performance artist best known for his whimsical “Soundsuits.”
Cobalt, Yellow Circles, 2010, a work in glass beads, thread and wire, by Joyce J. Scott.
Right, Soundsuit, 2006, in cotton, twigs/mannequin and armature, by Nick Cave.
Ancestry Dolls: 1, 2011, in beads, African sculpture (Ghana), Japanese figurines, thread and fabric, by Joyce J. Scott.
Inkisi #2, 2011, in beadwork, thread, wood and wire, by Joyce J. Scott.
Left, Soundsuit, 2010, in mixed media, by Nick Cave.
Ancestry/Progeny, 2008, in porcelain figures and glass beadwork, by Joyce J. Scott.
Soundsuit, 2006, in afghan, cotton, found beaded fabric/mannequin and armature, by Nick Cave.