Simon Says: Show us what you

Ah summer. The uptown campus has slipped into somnolence, punctuated by brief bursts of activity from kids running to Ripples Camp at the Reily Student Recreation Center to groups of incoming students and their parents attending orientation sessions. So, as we look to animate these dog days, we wonder ⦠where in the world are you?
Seriously, we'd like to know how our readers are spending their summer.
Are you on a trip to celebrate your graduation? Taking time out between semesters to travel? Maybe you're a public service intern in New Orleans or your hometown. Are you on study abroad? Or working on your research project overseas?
It's time for show 'n' tell. Send us your best photo and tell us who is in the photo, what is going on and where and when the pic was snapped.
If necessary, please explain why, as in this photo of Donata Henry checking out a snake.

Henry is an ornithologist, not herpetologist, still we assume the snake is safe to handle.
Personally, we think it'd be safer to stick with birds or sightseeing. On the same trip, recent grad Jeanny Keck enjoyed the scenery in Colorado.
You may send your best original photo to us at makingwaves.
Are you on Instagram? Tag your favorite pics "tulanesummer" to join the fun (don't forget to include a description!). Check out the Tulane University profile.
Fran Simon is managing editor of New Wave.