So it begins
Any questions about whether the fall semester is beginning are put to rest as first-year students move into their residence halls beginning at 9 a.m. on Friday (Aug. 22). A steady stream of students, parents and boxes converged upon the Tulane University uptown campus as Welcome Weekend kicked off.
A WTUL radio DJ keeps the move-in day crowd entertained.
Though well-organized, the pace of move-in day remains frenetic as students and their parents scramble to get into the residence halls.
The father of a first-year student is pressed into service assembling a bike outside of Wall Residential College.
Move-in day volunteers help first-year students haul boxes to their respective residential halls.
New roommates get situated in Greenbaum House, which just opened for the fall semester.
Workers with facilities services haul boxes away to be recycled.
Tulane President Mike Fitts chats with members of the Green Wave Move-In Krewe during a break at Bruff Commons Dining Room. (Photo by Sally Asher)