Stronger TUgether Student Voices: Becca Lubin
Becca Lubin is a fourth-year student from Florida who plays in the Tulane University Marching Band.
Q: What is your hometown and what is your major? Do you live in a residence hall or off campus?
A: I am from Winter Haven, Florida, and I am majoring in economics and environmental studies with a minor in Latin American studies. I live off campus.
Q: How have you managed to keep you and your friends safe from COVID so far?
A: I am living with my best friends this year, so it hasn't been too difficult to stay safe because we all hang out together in our house and backyard. Outside of the house, we make sure to wear masks and stay away from people. Spending time outside with my roommates this semester has been a really nice way to relax and get away from the stress of school and COVID-19.
Q: Being the mellophone section leader in the Tulane University Marching Band (TUMB), what new leadership approaches have you taken this semester? Does your section socialize outside of practice?
A: I have definitely had to make some adjustments as section leader this year. It has been especially important to check in on my section members and be an advocate for their needs and wants when communicating with the TUMB staff. For most of us, band is really the only thing we are able to do outside of class, so I try to create a fun and welcoming environment within the section and really try to make sure that memorizing music, etc., is not adding extra stress. Outside of rehearsal, we sometimes meet in the park to hang out — I'm hoping to plan some Zoom trivia in the future!
Q: What is your favorite weekend activity (besides being in the TUMB)? Do you have new hobbies since the pandemic?
A: Every Sunday, my roommates and I pick up bagels at Humble Bagel at 7:30, so we make it in time for the early bird discount. It has been really nice having that tradition/routine during this time where mostly everything else is chaotic and up in the air. I bought Rollerblades during the pandemic, but I haven't used them yet — hopefully this week I can start skating! I've really enjoyed reading, doing Zoom yoga with my family, and cooking more.
Q: What is your ratio of in-person classes to online classes? How do you stay organized?
A: I have two in-person classes and two mostly online classes, plus band. It has definitely been more difficult to stay organized this semester, but using a planner has helped me a lot. Also, I like to make a list of the most important things I need to do every day on my whiteboard — it helps me stay organized and have perspective.
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