Summit Brings Politics to Tulane

He's been to many "gabfests" but James Carville said the Bipartisan Policy Center's Inaugural Political Summit at Tulane University was one of the most impressive gatherings of political minds in the country.

Carville (a Democrat) and his wife, Mary Matalin (a Republican), served as honorary co-chairs and Big Easy hosts for the two-day summit on "Taking the Poison Out of Partisanship." The event featured four panel discussions on Monday (Nov. 9) and Tuesday (Nov. 11), moderated by some of America's leading political journalists and analysts.

Drawing the inaugural political summit of the Bipartisan Policy Center was a coup for New Orleans and Tulane University.
Hear comments from Democratic political pundit James Carville in this video produced by Ryan Rivet.

"It's always darkest before the dawn," Carville said, expressing hope that the United States is nearing the dawn of a new era of bipartisanship.

The first day got off to a promising start with "What's Fair in Politics?," moderated by the Aspen Institute's Walter Isaacson, featuring Republicans Charlie Black, Jeff Larson and Steve Schmidt; and Democrats Tad Devine, Kiki McLean and Hilary Rosen. The second panel was "Assessing the Obama Presidency," moderated by Atlantic Media's Ronald Brownstein and featuring Republicans Alex Castellanos, Bill McInturff and Mark McKinnon; and Democrats John Anzalone, Stan Greenberg and Larry Grisolano.

The second day led off with "Looking Ahead to 2010 and 2012," moderated by Charlie Cook of the Cook Political Report, featuring Republicans Tony Blankley, Alex Castellanos and Bill McInturff; and Democrats Stan Greenberg, Steve McMahon and Joe Trippi. "The Role of Media in Elections" was the second panel, moderated by The New York Times' Jeff Zeleny and featuring Republicans Mark McKinnon, Steve Schmidt and David Winston; and Democrats Tad Devine, Mandy Grunwald and Joe Lockhart.

The Bipartisan Policy Center webcast the summit live from the Kendall Cram Lecture Hall of the Lavin-Bernick Center on the uptown campus. Photos and videos of the event are posted on the Bipartisan Policy Center's event website.