Tulane Names New Law School Dean

David Meyer, associate dean for academic affairs and law professor at the University of Illinois, has been named the dean and Mitchell Franklin Professor of Law at Tulane University School of Law effective July 1.


David Meyer, new dean of Tulane Law School, is a leading scholar of constitutional and family law. (Photo from the College of Law, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

A leading scholar of constitutional and family law, Meyer represented the United States as the national reporter on family law at the past three congresses of the International Academy of Comparative Law. Established by legal scholars in The Hague in 1924 to foster the study of legal systems throughout the world, the academy is the foremost organization of its kind.

Meyer has also lectured and published extensively on family law, publishing articles in the University of Chicago Legal Forum, Minnesota Law Review, UCLA Law Review and Vanderbilt Law Review. He also delivered the Siben Distinguished Professorship Lecture at Hofstra University School of Law and the inaugural Weyrauch Distinguished Lecture in Family Law at the University of Florida. In addition, Meyer has been a visiting professor at George Washington University Law School and Brooklyn Law School and is a member of the American Law Institute.

"David Meyer's appointment is the result of a national search that brought us a scholar of international renown," Tulane President Scott Cowen said. "He also has vast experience working directly with students and external constituencies, something we felt is vital in shaping the future course of our nationally ranked law program."

Meyer will replace Stephen M. Griffin, the Rutledge C. Clement Jr. Professor in Constitutional Law and vice dean for academic affairs, who has served as interim dean at the law school since last June.

Meyer will be joined by his wife, Amy Gajda, an assistant professor of journalism and law at the University of Illinois. A specialist on First Amendment law and privacy issues, Gajda will become an associate professor of law at Tulane.