Tulane staffer creates Louisiana children's music

A new CD of children"s music has a Louisiana spin, thanks to musician, songwriter and curator Kathryn Hobgood Ray, who is assistant director of web communications at Tulane. (Photos by Sally Asher)

For Kathryn Hobgood Ray, assistant director of web communications at Tulane University, it"s easy to find magic in New Orleans. “Everywhere you look,” Ray says, “there"s inspiration for a song.” Finding the magic might be effortless but translating it into a music album for children to dance and sing along to takes more than magic — it takes talent and a lot of hard work.

Ray has a master"s in musicology from Tulane and has been performing and writing music from a young age. After having her son, Louis, in 2011, Ray began to create children"s music.

“I started writing songs for kids and realized that writing about ladybugs, Roman Candy and buttermilk drops makes me happier than writing about broken hearts!” she laughs.

Ray"s new album, We"re Going to Confetti Park!, is inspired by her Algiers Point neighborhood park of the same name. Ray volunteers for Confetti Kids, a nonprofit that maintains parks, plans neighborhood children"s activities and directs the Confetti Park Players, an all-ages choir.

Ray"s album contains 21 tracks about local themes such as the agonizing decision of which sno-ball flavor to choose, the mysterious swamp ghost Feufollet and a light-hearted warning to watch out for pirates. Sure to please kids and adults, it is loaded with talented musicians like Johnny Vidacovich, Evan Christopher, David Rosser and even beloved produce vendor Mr. Okra, who sings on “Have You Seen the Okra Man?”

Her weekly radio show “Confetti Park” is a blend of various musicians, writers and characters that all express the magic of a place Ray loves. The show airs on WHIV (102.3 FM) in New Orleans every Saturday at 12:30 p.m. — listen via Live Stream — and on KSLU (90.9 FM) in Hammond, Louisiana, every Sunday at noon. Download the podcast free on iTunes.

The Confetti Park Players will perform on Saturday (Dec. 5) at 10 a.m. at the Crescent City Farmers Market, 700 Magazine St., and on Dec. 19 at 2 p.m. at Louisiana Music Factory, 421 Frenchman St.

The CD is available locally at Louisiana Music Factory, Magic Box Toys and Fleurty Girl, as well as on the Confetti Park website and on iTunes and Amazon.

The “Confetti Park” radio show and podcast is supported by the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation, Music Rising at Tulane University and OffBeat Magazine.

The Confetti Park Players, an all-ages children"s choir, performs a song. The group is led by Tulane University staff member Kathryn Hobgood Ray, who enjoys bringing music to children.