Tulane University statement on campus feral cats

Tulane University has long promoted humane treatment for its feral cat population, including supporting a trap-neuter-return program that is recommended by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and other animal welfare organizations. The university also erected a series of “cat condos” to shelter feral cats when building renovations disrupted their normal campus habitation. At the same time, Tulane is committed to providing a safe environment for our students and employees to learn and work. In recent months, Tulane received complaints of flea bites, dead quarry, building damage and an increase in the rodent population attracted to food left for the cats. In response, Tulane has been exploring several options including moving the cats to our property in Belle Chasse, with a building designated for their use/housing and arrangements made to provide them with food and fresh water. At this time no action has been taken. Going forward, the university is committed to working with stakeholders, the LASPCA and others, to maintain a safe and healthy environment for our students, faculty, staff and for the feral cats on our campus.