Tulane Today Submission Guidelines

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Tulane Today is an e-newsletter that is published three times a week, keeping Tulane University faculty and staff informed about news and events on campus and in our community. It is distributed Monday through Friday during the semester and publishes Tuesday and Thursday during the summer.

Click here to subscribe.


Tulane Today shares university news with faculty and staff.

Among the items that will merit consideration are:

  • Institutional/college/unit news
  • Research news and grant announcements
  • Campus events and opportunities (including downtown, Elmwood and Northshore)
  • Office of Human Resources updates
  • Faculty/staff news and accomplishments

Due to the high volume of submissions, not all content submissions can be included in the email. How and whether items are presented will be determined by the editorial staff.

University Communications and Marketing will work with our partners across campus to ensure the most pertinent items are included in a timely manner.

Items that cannot be considered for inclusion are: Obituaries, retirement news, advertisements for items/services that require payment, news unrelated to the Tulane community, or items deemed inappropriate by the Communications and Marketing staff.
Tell Us Your News

To share a news item for possible publication in Tulane Today, complete this form.


Deadlines for publication in Tulane Today are as follows:

Monday: Previous Thursday at noon

Tuesday: Previous Friday at noon

Wednesday: Previous Monday at noon

Thursday: Previous Tuesday at noon

Friday: Previous Wednesday at noon

These deadlines remain the same when Tulane Today publishes on Tuesday and Thursday during the summer.

Contact us

Questions about submission guidelines or other editorial inquiries should be directed to today@tulane.edu.