Tulane teams up with New Orleans Airlift for in-person dance performance

The Newcomb Dance Company and the Tulane University Department of Theatre and Dance are returning to in-person performances later this month, teaming up with New Orleans Airlift for “The Body Remembers” at Music Box Village.

“The Body Remembers,” a collection of dances that explore themes of absence in New Orleans during the COVID-19 pandemic, will run from Thursday, April 15 to Saturday, April 17, with two performances each night at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. In-person audience size will be limited to 75 due to COVID-19 restrictions. The Music Box Village is located at 4557 N. Rampart St.

Choreographed by Leslie Scott and Diogo de Lima of the Tulane Department of Theatre and Dance, the collection of site-specific dances touches on themes of strength and overcoming adversity, memory, healing and ritual. Musicians Neal Todten and Logan Schutts craft sonic landscapes using the one-of-a-kind “musical houses” that comprise the Music Box Village.

The performance also features Kelly Harris-DeBerry’s new poem, “The Body Never Forgets”. Harris-DeBerry is a New Orleans poet, writer and teacher whose talents have been nationally recognized.

Patrons attending the performances will be required to wear masks and provide contact information for contact tracing as required by the city of New Orleans mandates. There will be a virtual screening for the show as well for those who cannot attend in person. Tickets purchased for the video performance will begin with a livestream at 8 p.m. on April 15th and the video will be available for viewing until midnight on April 17.

General admission tickets for the in-person performance are $15 and $10 for Tulane students, faculty and staff. Tickets for the livestream are $5. Single seats and pods of two to six persons are available. Tickets can be purchased at www.musicboxvillage.com or at eventbrite.com. Parking is available onsite and on the street.

For more information, email box@wave.tulane.edu or leah@neworleansairlift.org.