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Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Michael J. Moore (center), Tulane professor of biomedical engineering, is leading a team of researchers on a project called Helping to End Addiction Long-term Initiative. Tulane's Jeffrey Tasker (left) and James Zadina (right) are part of the research team.
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A team headed by Lu Qi, MD, director of the Tulane University Obesity Research Center and professor of epidemiology, proposes a revised set of guidelines for the American Heart Association.
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The Roger Thayer Stone Center for Latin American Studies will host an interview with Venezuelan writer Alberto Barrera Tyszka on Nov. 21 at 5:30 p.m. in the Greenleaf Conference Room, 100-A, in Jones Hall. The interview will be conducted by Gabriela Alemán, visiting research professor in the Latin American Studies department. Barrera Tyszka has several published works including poems, short stories, novels, and biographies. His most recent publications include the novels Patria o Muerte and Rating. The event will be held in Spanish. For more information, click here.
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Think Advisor
Robert Prilmeier, professor at the A. B. Freeman School of Business, co-authored a research paper that examines nonbank lenders.
Medical News Today
Lu Qi, MD, director of the Tulane Obesity Research Center, says reduced food consumption is a common strategy used to lose weight, but modified diets are difficult to maintain.
Robert Allen, professor at the Tulane School of Professional Advancement, says cyberattackers tried to get the state to pay after encrypting data on state servers.
The Advocate
“We welcome this addition to the literary calendar of Louisiana and the Crescent City,” The Advocate editorial staff writes about the inaugural New Orleans Book Festival at Tulane in March 2020.
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