Harish Sujan

Professor of Marketing and Freeman Chair of Research in Business & A. B. Freeman Chair in Business

New Orleans
Freeman School of Business
Harish Sujan



Personal Selling and Sales Management: How Motivation enhances Intelligence.
Consumer Behavior: How Mindfulness and Self-Regulation enhances Wellbeing.
Theoretical Roots: Psychology: Growth Mindset (Dweck), Loving Kindness (Fredrickson), Multiple Intelligences (Sternberg, Social Support (Taylor), Flow and Mindfulness (Csikszentmihalyi and Ryan), and Attribution Theory (Weiner).

Sujan, Harish, Silvio Borrero and David Cranage (2014), “Good Treats: Eating Out not Just for Joy but also for Well-Being,” in Innovations in Service Marketing and Management: Strategies for Emerging Economies (ed. Anita Goyal), Chapter 7, Business Science Reference, IGI Global.
Hall, Zachary, Michael Ahearne, and Harish Sujan (2015), “The Importance of Starting Right: The Influence of Accurate Intuition on Performance in Salesperson-Customer Interactions,” The Journal of Marketing, 79 (May), 91-109. (WOS Cites=18).
Hall, Zachary, Michael Ahearne, and Harish Sujan (2016), “Can a Book be Judged Accurately only by its Cover?” Keller Center Research Report, 9 (March).
Sujan, Harish, Michael Ahearne and Noel Capon (2018), “The Sales Simulation,” Wessex Press, New York.
Sujan, Harish and Mita Sujan (2019), “Consumer and Marketer Intelligence,” Chapter 16, Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence, 2nd Edition, Editor: Robert J. Sternberg.

Sujan, Harish, “Optimism and Street Smarts: Identifying and Improving Salesperson Intelligence (1999),” Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 19 (No. 3).
Awarded Best Paper of the Year.
Weitz, Barton A., Harish Sujan and Mita Sujan (1986), “Knowledge, Motivation and Adaptive Behavior: A Framework for Improving Selling Effectiveness,” Journal of Marketing, 50 (October), 174-191.
Ranked 5th among 10 best papers in sales in the 20th century at American Marketing Association Conference in August 2001.


University of California at Los Angeles


Jamnalal Bajaj Institute


Indian Institute of Technology

Chemical Engineering


Skilled Intuition and Selling Performance: An Abstract

Creating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends


Approximately one in every nine jobs in the United States involves selling. As a result, significant research has focused on identifying determinants of salesperson performance ranging from adaptive selling, customer orientation, emotional intelligence, motivation, to job fit. Our research introduces and tests a new determinant of salesperson performance, skilled intuition.

The importance of starting right: the influence of accurate intuition on performance in salesperson–customer interactions

Journal of Marketing


Salespeople make two types of judgments about customers in face-to-face interactions: those that are more intuitive and those that are more deliberative. The authors evaluate the influence of accurate intuitive and deliberative judgments on the performance of salespeople.

Doctors As Salespeople: Strengthening Relationships With Patients To Motivate Better Self-Care

Marketing Dynamism & Sustainability: Things Change, Things Stay the Same…


As a result of a greater focus in sales management practice on customer loyalty than on making the sale and even on customer satisfaction, sales research has turned its focus to questions of what strengthens salesperson-customer relationships (Fenwick, Porter and Crosby 2001; Weitz and Bradford 1999).

Good Treats: Eating Out not Just for Joy but also for Well-Being

Innovations in Services Marketing and Management: Strategies for Emerging Economies


With economic development in countries like India comes an increasing appetite to eat out, and, as a consequence, more prevalent obesity. Eating out does not have to bring joy at the cost of wellbeing. Prosperity in India does not have to lead to obesity, as it has in the United States with 62% of its people being diagnosed as clinically obese.

Organizational commitment and citizenship behavior: The role of volunteerism, organizational culture and affectivity

The 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology


Organizational commitment and citizenship behavior: The role of volunteerism, organizational culture and affectivity.



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