Reily Center reopens with new practices, protocols
When Reily Student Recreation Center members return to the facility on Aug. 3, things will work a bit differently. In accordance with the university’s COVID-19 health and safety guidelines, Reily’s hours will be limited and will include a midday closure for daily deep cleaning between 2 and 4 p.m.
Membership will also be limited to Tulane students, faculty and staff, alumni, and emeritus members as well as additional members of those affiliate groups with proof of shared residence and financial co-dependency. New membership purchases (excluding guest passes and Early Bird passes) must be made online and will be available starting Aug. 19. The Silver Sneakers pass will no longer be accepted.
To visit the center, members will need to make a reservation for a 50-minute session through the IMLeagues system prior to entering the gym and, if unable to honor the reservation, will need to cancel at least 30 minutes before arrival time. People who are experiencing any symptoms of illness should not enter.
Once inside, members will need to stay at least 6 feet apart when walking throughout the gym and at least 10 feet apart during any physical activities. Various facility reservations will also be available online. The indoor track, locker rooms, main gym, squash court and equipment check-out will remain closed until further notice. Due to previously scheduled maintenance, which was delayed due to the COVID-19 shutdown, both pool areas are also closed.
Equipment will be sanitized regularly throughout the day. Members are also asked to follow specific guidelines — nonadherence could result in removal. Members must wear face coverings at all times inside the facility and should bring their own water bottles, towels, member IDs and equipment. All equipment rentals, including lockers, have been suspended. Members should wash or sanitize hands before, during and after visits. They must also follow employees’ instructions, limit the items they touch (and clean items before and after each use), and pre-plan workout routines.
Group exercise classes will return with reduced participants and other provisions (including reservations and spacing). Virtual classes will still be available. Intramural sports will offer contactless options for the fall semester.
The Reily Center’s website and social media (@tulanecampusrec on all channels) will stay up-to-date on the latest information, including any changes, so please check back frequently. Visit the FAQ page or view the reopening video for more details.