(From left) Seniors Funke Adeleye and Kwesil Ezeh are crowned Homecoming Court Royalty during halftime of the football game.
President Michael A. Fitts pumps up the crowd in a packed Yulman Stadium.
Donning their Tulane gear, Tulanians cheer on the Green Wave with excitement.
Quarterback Michael Pratt runs into the end zone for a touchdown in the fourth quarter of the game, bringing the Green Wave to victory against the University of North Texas.
A member of Tulane’s Glass Studio team, part of the Newcomb Art Department, provides a hot glass demonstration to visitors in the Pace-Wilson Glass Studio, located in the Woldenberg Art Center.
(From left) Rob Lalka, executive director of the Albert Lepage Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the A. B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane alumni Franziska Trautmann, Byron Kantrow Slosar, Matt Schwartz, Rodney Sampson, and Peter Ricchiuti, professor of practice at the school, discuss entrepreneurial pursuits and lessons learned along the way during a panel discussion in Dixon Hall
Student Josh McCoy presents a business venture during Pitch Friday, a competition hosted by the A. B. Freeman School of Business that provides students the opportunity to pitch their startups, receive feedback and win a cash prize. McCoy went on to win the round.
Student Paris Gingold (second from left) and parents Stephen (left) and Renee (right) pose for a picture with a performer on stilts during a circus-themed event.
A friendly mudbug helps to give away “Cirque de Tulane” T-shirts at the event.