Walter Isaacson, renowned bestselling biographer, the Leonard A. Lauder Professor of American History and Values at the School of Liberal Arts, and co-chair of the New Orleans Book Festival at Tulane University, was awarded a National Humanities Medal by President Joe Biden at a White House ceremony on Tuesday. The National Humanities Medal, one of the nation’s highest honors, recognizes individuals and organizations whose work has deepened our nation’s understanding of and engagement with history, literature, languages, philosophy and other humanities subjects.
Innovation Institute co-hosts Open MIC Night to foster creative medical and healthcare solutions
The Tulane Innovation Institute and the School of Medicine sponsored an “Open MIC (Medical Innovation Challenge) Night” last week to encourage participants to innovate and think of creative solutions to complex medical and healthcare problems.
Nina King, Tulane Law alumna, is Duke University’s first Black woman athletic director and one of six women to lead an institution in the “Power Five,” which consists of 65 institutions in the five highest-earning and most prominent conferences in collegiate athletics. Read about King’s path to leadership in the latest issue of Tulanian Magazine.
The School of Public Health, the Murphy Institute, and the School of Medicine will host afternoon discussions with national experts from the public health, economics and medical fields to discuss the physician shortage and labor force issues in the U.S. healthcare industry, along with potential solutions. Keynote speakers will include Tulane alumni Dr. Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health and admiral of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, and Dr. Karen DeSalvo, chief health officer at Google Health. Chip Kahn, CEO of the Federation of American Hospitals, will serve as moderator. The event will take place on Friday, March 24, from 1:30 to 6 p.m. on the rooftop of The Troubadour Hotel (1111 Gravier St.). Visit the Murphy Institute website for more information and to RSVP.
The Tulane Freeman Ukrainian Speaker Series will host a presentation by Nina Chala, professor in the Department of Marketing and Business Management at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, on Friday, March 24, from 10 to 11 a.m. via Zoom. Chala will present “Ukraine’s Entrepreneurship and the Resilience of Business During the War.” Visit the A. B. Freeman School of Business website for more information and to register.
Associated Press
David Smilde, professor in the Department of Sociology at the School of Liberal Arts, comments on the resignation of Venezuelan Petroleum Minister Tareck El Aissami amid corruption investigations and arrests. Smilde is also the Charles A. and Leo M. Favrot Professor of Human Relations at Tulane.
U.S. News and World Report Eric Blevins, sports law program manager at the Tulane Center for Sport, discusses the offerings of the Sports Law Certificate Program.
NBC News
A study by Tulane researchers about the state takeover of the New Orleans school system after Hurricane Katrina and the district’s increased graduation and college entry rates is cited.
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