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Tulane Today
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Tulane professor’s work at “unthinkable sacrifice” site published in major journal

Anthropology professor John Verano’s research into the world’s largest mass sacrifice of children in Peru was published in PLOS ONE, a top scientific journal.
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Spring 2019 River and Coastal Urbanism Dialogues

This School of Architecture dialogue is part of the process of building a pan-university research initiative around water/river-coastal urbanism. Its goal is to address cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional collaborations on urbanization and river and coastal dynamics. The event takes place March 12 from 1 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. in 201 Richardson Memorial Hall.
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March 8
Tulane Baseball vs. UCSB

KCON XIV: 14th Annual International Conference on Contracts

March 10
Junior Philharmonic Concert

March 11
Translational Science Grand Rounds: The VITamin D and OmegA-3 TriaL (VITAL)

March 12
Jazz at the Rat: Tribute to Todd Duke, featuring Peter Harris

Krewe de Mayahuel: “Carnival is such a reflection of what’s happening with society,” says Rebecca Snedeker, executive director of the New Orleans Center for the Gulf South at Tulane University.

Washington Post
David Smilde, a Venezuela expert at Tulane University, says Maduro might not be aware of the potential consequences of detaining opposition leader Juan Guaidó.

Dr. Gregory Stewart, co-director of the Sports Medicine Program at Tulane, is the senior author of a study on athletes’ “enlarged hearts."

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