A team of volunteers, led by Tulane School of Architecture students Seth Laskin and Ethan Lewis, designed and constructed this year's Sukkah, an outdoor pavilion for dining and living, in Pocket Park outside of the Lavin-Bernick Center for University Life. Now in its 14th year, the partnership between the school and Tulane Hillel provides funding for the Sukkah to be built for the eight-day Jewish harvest festival of Sukkot, which began Oct. 9 this year. The Sukkah must be large enough for dining and be constructed in accordance with Halakha, Jewish Law. This year students created a reusable Sukkah. (Photo by Rusty Costanza)
Graceful leaves cover the top of Sukkah 14. In the back of the Sukkah is an engraving of The Tree of Life. The inscription above the tree reads, “It is a tree of life for those who grasp it, and those that support it are fortunate.” (Photo by Rusty Costanza)