Adding less salt to food can reduce the risk of heart disease, heart failure and ischemic heart disease, according to a study by Dr. Lu Qi.
Green Wave Football will take on UCF when Tulane hosts the American Athletic Conference Championship in Yulman Stadium.
Michael Naguib has been named to the annual list of Highly Cited Researchers for 2022 by Clarivate.
Monica Embers recently shared insights from her Lyme disease research with the On Good Authority podcast.
Researchers at Tulane are looking at the body’s ability to use nutrients at a cellular level to predict disease response and severity.
The National Institutes of Health has given Tulane more than $11 million for the innovative study.
Sönke Dangendorf played a key role in the findings by analyzing sea surface height changes from satellite measurements around Greenland.
Michael Cooper, president of Bernhard’s Sustainability Division, leads a group of energy students on a tour of Tulane’s central energy plant.
Tulane’s 2022 Research, Scholarship and Artistic Achievement Awards were presented on Nov. 4 at the Higgins Hotel in New Orleans.
Courtney Baker and Bonnie Nastasi received a grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to implement a program to make schools safer.
Matthew Dalva, an award-winning neuroscientist whose research focuses on how the connections of the brain form and are changed by experience.
Kimberly Gramm leads the new Innovation Institute, which is at the vanguard of improving lives and transforming New Orleans.